Guides for kubectl

Setting up a CI/CD pipeline for dockerized applications using Harbor and Jenkins on Kubernetes
In this tutorial, we are going to implement a system for CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and Harbor running on a Kubernetes cluster.

Deploying CloudNativePG on Civo Kubernetes
This tutorial will guide you through deploying and managing a PostgreSQL cluster on the Civo Kubernetes service using the CloudNativePG operator.

Deploying Joomla on Civo Kubernetes: A Step-by-Step Guide
Deploy Joomla on a Civo Kubernetes cluster with this step-by-step tutorial. Learn to set up MariaDB, configure persistent storage, enable HTTPS, and make your Joomla site live using Traefik.

Integrating Cerbos with Civo Kubernetes for Cluster-Wide Authorization
Learn to secure your Kubernetes cluster using Cerbos and Civo with our step-by-step guide. Master custom access control policies and RBAC for enhanced security.

Security Benchmarking with Kube-Bench
Learn to secure your Kubernetes cluster with kube-bench by following CIS benchmarks and best practices for enhanced security.

Load Testing with K6
Learn to load test applications using K6 from Grafana Labs, covering topics such as HTTP and GRPC API testing, Kubernetes integration, and real-time results visualization.

Deploying a Minecraft Server on Kubernetes
Learn to set up a Minecraft server on Kubernetes: prerequisites, deploying with CLI, and connecting. Tips on memory and storage included.

How to transform container management at the Edge with Portainer
Learn to simplify Kubernetes management with Portainer, tackle edge deployment challenges, and benefit from centralized control in our step-by-step tutorial.

Streamlining Development with Codezero
Explore a sample project that will show you how to utilize Codezero and how various features can help greatly accelerate and enhance the Kubernetes development experience.

Getting Started With Ngrok Ingress for Kubernetes
Explore exposing Kubernetes apps online using Ngrok's Ingress Controller. This tutorial covers setup, deployment, and exposure processes, ideal for those familiar with Kubernetes basics.

Deploy Uptime-Kuma with Terraform on Civo Kubernetes Cluster
Learn to deploy Uptime-Kuma for reliable monitoring on Civo Kubernetes clusters using Terraform and Civo CLI, enhancing your app's uptime and efficiency.

Getting started with Istio Service Mesh
In part 1 of this introductory Istio series, we take a step back to learn more about the background to the service mesh concept, why it is important, and how you can install Istio on Kubernetes.

Traffic management and deployment strategies with Istio
In part 2 of this introductory Istio series, we shift our attention toward traffic management with a basic demonstration of letting traffic into our cluster.

Istio Security Essentials: Authorization, Headers, and mTLS
In part 3 of this introductory series, we look at the essentials of Istio security with a deeper look at authorization policies, learn header-based access controls, and enable mutual TLS for enhanced service-to-service communication.

Looking Under the Hood of a Kubernetes Cluster
Master the Kubernetes API with our detailed tutorial, featuring insights from official docs and expert tips from Civo.

Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard through Civo Marketplace
Take a look at the Kubernetes Dashboard available on Civo Marketplace to discover how to simplify tasks such as scaling, rolling updates, and deploying new applications.

Troubleshooting Kubernetes issues using Komodor
Easily troubleshoot issues on Civo Kubernetes cluster with Komodor. A guide on integrating Civo and Komodor for real-time visibility and faster issue resolution.

Kubectl commands - a comprehensive guide
Get more productive with kubectl, the Kubernetes command-line tool. This guide covers setting up autocompletion, managing contexts and configuration, working with namespaces, troubleshooting pods, and more.

Pluto: Tool to manage deprecated Kubernetes APIs
Stay ahead of deprecated Kubernetes APIs and avoid errors. Learn how Pluto and Nova tools can help upgrade your cluster with ease.

Kubernetes power for Virtual machines using KubeVirt
KubeVirt: A Kubernetes extension for running traditional VM workloads alongside container workloads. Benefits include declarative approach, Kubernetes power, and observability tools.