Guides for network

Exploring Network Policies with Cilium
In this guide, we’ll explore Cilium, an eBPF-powered CNI for Kubernetes, and how you can leverage Cillum network policies to secure cluster communications.

Why are network policies in Kubernetes so hard to understand?
We often hear that network policies are too complex to understand. In this tutorial, we will take a look at how network policies work by exploring concrete examples.

Traffic management and deployment strategies with Istio
In part 2 of this introductory Istio series, we shift our attention toward traffic management with a basic demonstration of letting traffic into our cluster.

Istio Security Essentials: Authorization, Headers, and mTLS
In part 3 of this introductory series, we look at the essentials of Istio security with a deeper look at authorization policies, learn header-based access controls, and enable mutual TLS for enhanced service-to-service communication.

Deploy your first Kubernetes application through CLI
Deploy your first Kubernetes app with ease using kubectl. This step-by-step guide provides a smooth introduction to cluster configuration, resource definition, deployment, and testing.

Set Up Your Own VPN Server on Ubuntu with Ease
Learn how to create a secure VPN server using an easy script on Ubuntu. Connect to your server from your desktop, gain access to controlled servers, and enjoy private browsing.

Workaround for instances with networking bug on Ubuntu 18.04
We recently discovered a bug on instances launched with the Ubuntu 18.04 image. This bug is caused by the new networking configuration abstraction renderer called Netplan that is used by default in Bionic.

Restoring old network style instances
Resolve networking issues when restoring a snapshot from the old-style networking to the new-style setup. Follow our guide to make necessary changes to network files for proper routing on the new instance.

Using Civo DNS as a dynamic DNS for your home server
You can use your Civo DNS as a dynamic DNS setup for your home server, with the help of a small bash script.

Networking 101 - IP Packets
You may have heard the term "packet" when talking about networks. But what exactly is a packet and how are they used within a network?

Networking 101 - IP Addressing
What is an IP address? You will no doubt have seen IP addresses many times, as a series of digits like this: So what does that represent and how does IP addressing and subnetting work?

Fixing Docker MTU Issues on Ubuntu
Learn how to optimize Docker's MTU settings to prevent connectivity issues and enhance your Docker experience, especially on Ubuntu systems.

DDoS protection on
We automatically protect our customers against DDoS attacks through our network provider Ai Networks for free.

Using to serve your DNS/domain name records
How to configure your domain registration to use Civo's DNS service nameservers

Configuring DNS/domain name records on
Setting up all the DNS records your domain name to be hosted by Civo's DNS nameservers

Introduction to DNS and domain names and their DNS record types
From CNAME TXT records - There's lots of coded labels for different DNS record types, let us explain what they mean and how DNS works.

Simplistic high-availability between instances
Learn how to create a highly available load balancer using Civo. Set up failover mechanism and seamless IP switching for uninterrupted HTTP traffic. Get step-by-step instructions here.

Why create multiple networks?
In Civo we give you the option to create multiple private networks, but what's the point? There are a number of reasons why, but they all centre around isolation.

Firewalling an Ubuntu 16.04 instance
There are two main ways we'd recommend users to secure their Ubuntu instances by creating a firewall - using our platform or internally on the instance using UFW.