Guides for postgresql

Deploying CloudNativePG on Civo Kubernetes
This tutorial will guide you through deploying and managing a PostgreSQL cluster on the Civo Kubernetes service using the CloudNativePG operator.

Building a High-Performance REST API in Rust with Diesel and Axum
Build a robust REST API in Rust using Diesel and Axum. Follow our detailed tutorial to efficiently set up, code, and test your application.

Installing FerretDB through Civo Marketplace
Discover the ease of installing FerretDB, a MongoDB alternative, using the Civo Marketplace. Explore its features, benefits, and how to utilize it effectively.

Automate Postgresql Backup with Velero
This tutorial shows how to use Velero to automate the backup of PostgreSQL objects in a Kubernetes environment.

Deploying Hasura on Kubernetes: A Step-by-Step Guide
Learn how to easily set up Hasura on Kubernetes platform and unlock the power of GraphQL API for querying your databases. Follow this comprehensive tutorial now!

Build a CRUD API with Postgresql and Node.js with OpenFaaS
In this guide you will learn how to create a CRUD API using Postgresql for storage, Node.js for application code, and OpenFaaS to automate Kubernetes.