Guides for github-actions

Setting up a CI/CD pipeline for dockerized applications using Harbor and Jenkins on Kubernetes
In this tutorial, we are going to implement a system for CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and Harbor running on a Kubernetes cluster.

Self Hosting GitHub Actions Runner on Civo
Discover how to create a virtual machine, configure the runner, and test CI/CD workflows with custom hardware requirements, all while optimizing your continuous integration setup.

Deploy your own Private ChatGPT with Llama 3.1 and Civo GPU Clusters
Deploy your own private ChatGPT with Llama 3 on Civo's GPU clusters using Terraform or GitHub Actions for enhanced performance and efficiency.

How to set up an Infrastructure as Code automation using Pulumi, Civo Object Store, and GitHub Actions
Learn how to implement IaC using Pulumi and Python on GitHub Actions. Set up, configure backends, and automate CI/CD with this tutorial.

Self-Hosting a Container Registry on Kubernetes with Harbor
Deploy your own secure container registry using Harbor on Kubernetes. This tutorial covers setup, security features, and Civo-specific tips.

Automating Container Image Signing with Cosign and Github Actions
Learn more about supply chain attacks, using the Sigstore project and Cosign for signing container images, and integrating them with GitHub actions.

Progressive Delivery of Applications on Kubernetes with Argo Rollouts and Argo CD
Uncover Progressive Delivery on Kubernetes with Argo Rollouts and Argo CD. Learn to manage changes, minimize risk, and maintain application uptime effectively.

Deploy a blog site on Kubernetes with GitOps
Learn how to deploy a blog site on Kubernetes with GitOps using Civo. Create a continuous deployment pipeline and automate infrastructure for seamless updates.

GitHub Actions and Terraform for Cloud Infrastructure Management
Boost your cloud infrastructure management skills with our comprehensive guide on using GitHub Actions and Terraform. Elevate your DevOps game today!

Deploy a Web Application Using GitOps With GitHub Actions and Python with Civo
This guide will show you how to deploy a simple web application using GitOps where changes are triggered automatically when code is pushed to a repository.