Guides for openfaas
Angular and .NET Core Microservices Deployment on Kubernetes
Learn to deploy an Angular app with .NET Core microservices on Kubernetes! This step-by-step guide walks you through the process, making it easy to create your own powerful applications.
Build a CRUD API with Postgresql and Node.js with OpenFaaS
In this guide you will learn how to create a CRUD API using Postgresql for storage, Node.js for application code, and OpenFaaS to automate Kubernetes.
Deploying Applications Through the Civo Kubernetes Marketplace
We have developed a one-click install marketplace for Kubernetes applications. By following this guide, you will deploy a cluster, install an application from the marketplace, and verify it is working as expected.
Serverless functions with OpenFaaS on Kubernetes
Deploy and manage serverless functions on Kubernetes using OpenFaaS. Follow this step-by-step guide for seamless deployment and efficient function management.