Guides for nginx

Preserve Source IP when using an Ingress Controller
Learn how to preserve source IPs in Civo Kubernetes using NGINX or Traefik with this guide. Ensure accurate IP visibility for enhanced security and traffic management.

Exposing gRPC applications using NGINX Ingress
Learn to expose gRPC applications using NGINX Ingress in Kubernetes. Set up TLS with CertManager, deploy services, and manage secure access.

Rate-limiting applications with Nginx Ingress
Learn how to implement rate-limiting using the NGINX Ingress controller in a Kubernetes environment. This tutorial covers the benefits of rate-limiting and a step-by-step guide on setting up rate-limiting.

Using websockets with the Nginx Kubernetes ingress controller
Learn how to set up WebSockets with the Nginx ingress controller in Civo Kubernetes to avoid the error code 426 Upgrade Required.

Boost Your Dev Workflow with Eclipse Theia on Kubernetes Cluster
Learn how to set up Eclipse Theia, a cloud IDE, on a managed Kubernetes cluster to streamline your development process with a centralized, customizable environment.

Deploy a Web Application Using GitOps With GitHub Actions and Python with Civo
This guide will show you how to deploy a simple web application using GitOps where changes are triggered automatically when code is pushed to a repository.

A/B testing using the Nginx Kubernetes Ingress controller
Master A/B testing on Kubernetes with Nginx Ingress. Optimize feature rollouts, observe user behavior, and make data-driven deployment decisions. Step-by-step guide.