Write for Civo

Write a tutorial or how-to guide at Civo and get paid

Sign up to get started

How it works

Number 1 in blue

Submit your idea

Fix a technical problem, explore new tools,or write a guide for beginners. The choice is yours.

Number 2 in blue

Start writing

Once your idea is accepted by our content team, start writing and submit a first draft.

Number 3 in blue

Get paid

When your tutorial or guide is approved, edited, and published, you will be paid via PayPal or Civo credits.

For more information on how to prepare a tutorial, formatting, writing styles, and details on payment, please see our writing guide.

What to write about?


Civo Marketplace Applications

Install your favorite Kubernetes applications from the Civo dashboard or CLI in seconds, and show others how they can do the same.

Storage server icon

Civo Databases

Explore methods for managing resource allocation, ensuring data consistency, and maximizing the efficiency of both SQL and PostgreSQL databases in containerized ecosystems.

Cloud with cog icon

Multi-Cloud Strategies

Cover strategies and tools for managing workloads across multiple cloud providers and hybrid environments, including cross-cloud networking, data synchronization, and security considerations..

Types of documentation

We encourage potential contributors to thoroughly review our blog and 'Learn' sections to understand the depth and scope of content we seek. This review will help you distinguish between basic topics and the advanced themes we prefer and ensure you are not submitting content on themes we have already covered.

Books with a cursor icon


Walk-throughs and guides that demonstrate how to use a particular app or tool, or how to solve a certain problem.

Checklist with hand icon


Step-by-step instructions on how to perform a certain task or deploy. Such as how to install a particular application or set up a load balancer.

Laptop with guide comment icon

Top-down guides

Overviews and high-level guides on broad topics or disciplines, such as a beginner's guide to machine learning or an analysis of the concept of chaos engineering.

Submit your content idea

Got expertise that can solve problems, answer questions, and enable new skills? Sign up to Civo, write a tutorial, and earn for your contributions!

Sign up to get started

Frequently Asked Questions

What topics can I write about?

You can write about almost anything that helps people in their cloud native journey. This can include a variety of content, such as tutorials, how-to guides, in-depth documentation, and comprehensive overviews. While not limited to, popular subjects often revolve around Kubernetes, container technology, storage solutions (including databases), machine learning, and networking.

How do I submit a tutorial?

Before creating your tutorial, you will need to send us your idea along with the requested information via the form at civo.com/write-for-us. We will then contact you via email to let you know if your idea has been accepted, and you can begin writing your first draft.

What is the required format for the tutorial?

Your tutorial should be submitted as a Google Doc file with HTML formatting. The structure should include a title and a 'snippet'—a brief description of the tutorial. Break your content up with headings (H2, H3, H4) for readability. Be sure to include sections like an Introduction, Prerequisites, and Conclusion.

What length does my tutorial need to be?

A guide should be as long as it needs to be - no shorter, no longer. The goal is to write purposefully and concisely, without any unnecessary musings or repeat explanations.

We do not pay for content by the word, but rather by how involved the technical writing process is, and the effort required. The fee will be at the editor's discretion. Find out more about payments in the payout structure section of this document.

What happens after I submit my tutorial?

After you submit your guide, our editorial team will review your content and may suggest necessary modifications. This process typically takes up to two weeks, though this timeframe may vary depending on the complexity of your piece.

Will I get paid for my tutorial?

Yes, all submissions that are accepted by our team will receive payment. Your fee will be paid via PayPal only or in Civo credit. We cannot offer any other means of payment. There are no exceptions.

The price we pay per tutorial is entirely at the discretion of the Civo editorial team. This fee will be agreed upon the initial acceptance of your idea. If the final piece submitted does not meet our quality guidelines, the editorial team can retract the provisional price given.

How long does it take to get paid for my tutorial?

Once a fee is agreed upon and your content is ready to be published, we will aim to pay you within 4 weeks. More often than not, we will complete payments within 7 days.

Can I get paid for editing existing content?

We also offer payment for edits on out-of-date content. Fees are dependent on the work required and are entirely down to the Civo editorial team. If you are interested in editing and updating an existing tutorial, please submit a form at civo.com/write-for-us

Does Civo pay for commercial or open-source tutorials?

We do not pay for tutorials if the author represents a commercial tool, application, or an open source project.

This would be considered a co-marketing activity, in which case we would love to connect and discuss how we can work together. Contact us at marketing@civo.com.

Who owns my content after it is shared?

Content created for the “Write for Civo” program, in all stages of development, will remain the sole and exclusive property of Civo at all times. Civo may make alterations and edits to the content at any time. Civo reserves the right to remove content at any time.

We encourage sharing and promotion of the content to expand its reach and make the knowledge more accessible. However, please note that direct republication of the content elsewhere, in part or in whole, without explicit written consent from Civo, is not allowed. You are permitted to link directly to the content on our site as a reference or to share it with others, but the content itself may not be re-published or re-distributed elsewhere.

What happens if my submission is rejected?

Submissions can be rejected for various reasons, like lack of relevance to Civo or its users, or the existence of similar content on the Civo site.

If your submission has been rejected, you are still able to submit more submissions at marketing@civo.com.

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