Getting Started
To access the Shipa UI with this installation, you will need to install the Shipa CLI on your local machine.
curl -s | bash
Shipa for itself installs Nginx as a default ingress controller for the control plane which needs a public IP. If leveraging Civo, make sure as of Shipa 1.6.0, to unselect default Traefik [and any other ingress controllers] from the launch Marketplace when spinning up a Civo Cloud instance. Civo will be introducing an LBAAS service which will allow for this. Use your provided Marketplace e-mail and password to login to the Shipa CLI. You will need kubectl access to the cluster initialy to get the ingress address.
#Wire Client and Get Shipa Dashboard URL
export SHIPA_HOST=$(kubectl --namespace=shipa-system get svc shipa-ingress-nginx -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}") && if [[ -z $SHIPA_HOST ]]; then export SHIPA_HOST=$(kubectl --namespace=shipa-system get svc shipa-ingress-nginx -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}") ; fi
shipa target add shipa $SHIPA_HOST --set-current
shipa login
After you login via the CLI, running "shipa app list" will bring you to the dashboard
shipa app list
| Application | Status | Shipa Managed | Address |
| dashboard | 1 running | true | |
When accessing the dashboard for the first time, you will need to activate e.g validate the product. The product defaults to the free tier.
Next Steps
The next steps will be to create a Shipa Framework, bind a Kubernetes Cluster to Shipa, and then deploy an Applicaiton through Shipa. Shipa also integrates with several IaCs such as Terraform and Crossplane and CI/CD solutions such as ArgoCD and Harness.
Congratulations on your Shipa Installation and future abstractions!
Futher Information
Here are a few pieces for further information.