NextCLoud - The self-hosted productivity platform
Usage instructions
DB Setup
Before running the setup wizard you will need to create a database and user account in mariadb
$ kubectl exec -it svc/mariadb -- /bin/sh
# mysql -u root -p
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE nextcloud_db;
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER nc_user identified by 'strong-password';
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON nextcloud_db.* TO nc_user;
External Access
An ingress is automatically created during the application install. A certificate using cert manager and lets-encrypt is also applied automatically and registered against your Civo email address and the generated domain name.
You can access this (replacing the clusterID with your own) via:
You should now see the setup page where you can enter the database details created above.
Note the database server is called mariadb