Getting started
After installing KubeRocketCI from the Civo Marketplace, you need to get the KubeRocketCI Portal URL
and admin credentials
to log in to the portal.
- Get Portal Url from Ingress, run command:
kubectl get ingress portal -n krci -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'
The output will be the URL to access the KubeRocketCI Portal, for example:
where xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
is your cluster id.
- Generate Service Account Token to access the portal using Kubernetes:
kubectl -n krci create serviceaccount krci-admin
kubectl create clusterrolebinding krci-admin --serviceaccount=krci:krci-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin
kubectl create token krci-admin -n krci
For more details please refer to KubeRocketCI documentation.
Argo CD Integration
For Argo CD integration please consult Official Documentation
Tekton Dashboard
As a part of KubeRocketCI, Tekton Dashboard is installed and is available for external access. You have to enable SSO, or disable external access.