Verify your grapple-solution-framework deployment

get further details about how to use the grapple resources:

Installing the grapple solution framework may take a couple of minutes. While waiting, you can explore the CRDs that have been installed for you in your cluster. kubectl explain grapi --recursive # for the grapple instant API kubectl explain gruim --recursive # for the grapple UI modules kubectl explain gras --recursive # for the grapple ApplicationSet

verify the completion of the installation

In order to verify the completion, you can run the following command: kubectl wait -n grpl-system grpl --for condition=Healthy=True --timeout=300s

install the grapple cli

brew tap grapple-solutions/grapple
brew install grapple-solutions/grapple/grapple-cli

# or upgrade
brew upgrade grapple-solutions/grapple/grapple-cli

install an example of a grapple application

using the grapple cli: grpl example deploy --GRAS_TEMPLATE=db-mysql-discovery-based --DB_TYPE=internal

verify the example grapple application deployments

The deployment of the test case may also take some minutes. You can verify the completion of the installation of the test case with the following commands: kubectl wait deployment -n grpl-disc-int grpl-disc-int-gras-mysql-grapi grpl-disc-int-gras-mysql-gruim --for condition=Available=True --timeout=600s

verify the deployment of the grapple resources in your cluster (the package comes with a test case for illustration purpose)

Run the following command to get details about the deployed custom resources of the test case kubectl get gras,grapi,gruim -A

see the functionality of the deployed test case

for the automatically generated grapple instant API

kubectl get ing -n grpl-disc-int -l -o

And check the generated api in the browser

example link: http://<yourNS>-<yourGrapiName>-grapi.<yourDNS>{"limit":100,"include":["employees"]}

and for the automatically generated grapple UI modules

kubectl get ing -n grpl-disc-int -l -o

And check the generated ui modules in the browser

next steps

develop a grapple application

create a new grpl app


# define the ns for your developement project deployment
grpl dev ns <YOUR_NAMESPACE>

# run grpl dev
grpl dev

# wait for the deployment to start up. it may take a while to build and deploy your project for the first time 
# the 3 dev layers will open up in your browser, when ready

install further examples

using the grapple cli: grpl example deploy help

try it out with your own data

grpl resource deploy help


Is this interesting? Do you want to see more? the grapple solution framework is highly customizable and integratable to your environment.

If you want to learn more, please don't hesitate to contact us:

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