Ambassador Edge Stack

Ambassador Edge Stack - An Envoy-Powered API Gateway. It creates a service edge-stack of type LoadBalancer which will launch a Civo Load Balancer (at an additional charge).

Ambassador Edge Stack is a Kubernetes-native API Gateway built on the Envoy Proxy which can route and secure traffic to your kubernetes cluster.


To sucessfully configure Ambassador Edge Stack, you need to get free community license for your ambassador cloud by following this guide.

Run below command to reconfigure Ambassador Edge Stack with the Ambassador cloud key obtained in above step:

helm upgrade --install -n ambassador --create-namespace edge-stack datawire/edge-stack --set controller.image.tag=3.8.0 --set emissary-ingress.createDefaultListeners=true --set emissary-ingress.agent.cloudConnectToken=<your key from Ambassador Cloud> && kubectl rollout status  -n ambassador deployment/edge-stack -w

Get started

Quickstart guide for ambassador edge stack.