Civo’s managed storage service, Civo Object Store, allows you to upload unstructured data in an S3-compatible system. This is compatible with AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service), a public cloud storage service with low latency and high availability offered by Amazon Web Service (AWS). In this tutorial you will learn how to migrate data from AWS S3 to Civo Object Stores using rclone, an open-source command-line program to manage files on cloud storage.


To complete this tutorial, you will need the following:

To complete this tutorial, you will need to have an object store ready. If you don’t have any, create a new one. You can consult our documentation on how to create a new object store.

Getting started with rclone

Throughout this tutorial, we will be utilizing rclone, a Go-based program packaged as a single binary, to migrate data from AWS S3 to Civo Object Stores. Rclone is an open-source program that can help you manage your files on cloud storage service. If you have used an S3-compatible storage system before, you might be familiar with s3cmd. The functionalities offered are similar, but rclone supports not just S3-compatible storage but also non-compatible ones such as Google Drive and Dropbox. You can check the complete list in its documentation.

Installing rclone

Before we begin to migrate your data, you will need to install rclone, which can be done by referring to the documentation here.

If you are using MacOS, you can use brew to install rclone by running the following command:

brew install rclone

If you are using Windows, you can also use your package manager such as Winget, Chocolatey, or Scoop, to install rclone.

With Linux, the easiest option is probably getting a precompiled binary and then copying it into a directory in your PATH.

Configuring rclone

Now that you have rclone in your system, the next step is to configure it based on your AWS security credentials and your Civo object store credential.

Getting AWS access key ID and secret access key

To get your AWS security credentials, do the following steps:

Step 1: Access AWS security credentials page.

Step 2: Scroll down to the Access keys section.

Getting AWS access key ID and secret access key

Step 3: Click Create Access Keys. If you are currently using a root account to access your AWS console, a new page will show up, warning you that using the root access key is not a good practice.

If you have an otherwise empty AWS account, for the sake of this tutorial, it’s okay to use it just for this occasion. Tick the checkbox and click Create access key.

Create Access Keys on AWS

Step 4: A new page will show up with details of your new access key. Click Download .csv file.

Retrieve access key on AWS

Step 5: Open the downloaded file. Inside the file, you will find your AWS access key ID and secret access key separated by a comma.

Getting Civo credentials

To get your Civo credentials, follow these steps:

Step 1: Run the following command.

civo objectstore show <object-store-name>

Getting Civo credentials

Step 2: The output from the previous step shows a command to get your secret access key. Run that command.

civo objectstore credential secret --access-key=<access-key>

For the above two commands, take note of the access key, secret key, and object store endpoint. You will need these three things to configure rclone for the migration.

Configuring an S3 remote in rclone

Now that you have all the credentials you need, the next step is to configure rclone for the S3 remote. For rclone, ‘remote’ refers to a service or storage location used for file storage. Therefore, in this tutorial's context, AWS S3 and Civo object store are both considered remotes.

Follow these steps to allow rclone to get the files from your S3 bucket:

Step 1: Run rclone config.

Step 2: Type in n, then press Enter.

Allow rclone to get the files from your S3 bucket

Step 3: Enter a name for your remote, for example, ‘aws-s3’.

Naming your S3 remote in rclone

Step 4: For storage type, type in ‘5’ for Amazon S3 Compliant Storage Providers.

Amazon S3 Compliant Storage Providers

Step 5: For the provider, type in ‘1’ for AWS S3.

AWS S3 Provider

Step 6: For env_auth, leave it empty and press Enter.

env_auth AWS S3

Step 7: Next, input your AWS access key and press Enter.

Inputting your AWS access key

Step 8: Input your AWS secret access key and press Enter.

Inputting your AWS secret access key

Step 8: For the region, input the option number based on the location of your AWS S3 bucket. For example, if your bucket is in the ap-southeast-1 region, then you input 12. You will find these details on your AWS account.

AWS S3 region

Step 9: For the option endpoint, leave it empty and press Enter.

AWS S3 option endpoint

Step 10: For the location_constraint, input the same answer with your bucket region from step 9.

AWS S3 location_constraint

Step 11: For the acl, leave it empty and press Enter.

AWS S3 acl

Step 12: Leave serversideencryption empty and press Enter.

AWS S3 server_side_encryption

Step 13: Leave ssekmskey_id empty and press Enter.

AWS S3 sse_kms_key_id

Step 14: Leave storage_class empty and press Enter.

AWS S3 storage_class empty

Step 15: Enter ‘n’ for Edit advanced config.

AWS S3 Edit advanced config

Step 16: Enter ‘y’ to confirm the configuration.

Confirming the configuration for AWS S3

After the last step, you will see the list of remotes in rclone and a prompt asking you what to do next. Now, you will configure a new remote for your Civo object store.

Configuring a Civo object store remote in rclone

Continuing from the last prompt, do the following:

Step 1: Type in ‘n’ for a new remote and press Enter.

Configuring a Civo object store remote in rclone

Step 2: Type in the name of your new remote and press Enter. For example, you can type in ‘civo’.

Naming a Civo object store remote in rclone

Step 3: For the storage type in ‘5’ for Amazon S3 Compliant Storage Providers.

Amazon S3 Compliant Storage Providers 2

Step 4: For the provider type in ‘25’ for any other S3 compatible provider.

Other S3 compatible providers

Step 5: For the env_auth, leave it empty and press Enter.

AWS env_auth

Step 6: For the accesskeyid, type in your Civo credential’s access key ID. This is the output of the command civo objectstore show you ran previously.

Civo credential’s access key ID

Step 7: For secretaccesskey, type in your Civo credential’s secret access key. This is the output of the command civo objectstore credential secret you ran previously.

Civo credential’s secret access key

Step 8: For the region, leave it empty and press Enter.

Civo credential’s region

Step 9: For the endpoint, type in your object store endpoint and press Enter.

You can get this information after running civo objectstore show command previously. Usually, it’s in the pattern of So if your object store region is FRA1, the endpoint should be

Civo credential endpoint

Step 10: For the location_constraint, leave it empty and press Enter.

Civo credential location_constraint

Step 11: For the acl, also leave it empty and press Enter.

Civo credential acl

Step 12: You don’t need to edit advanced config, so type in ‘n’ and press Enter.

Civo credential advanced config

Step 13: Type in ‘y’ and press Enter to confirm.

Civo credential final steps

Step 14: You should now have two remotes configured, as shown in the current remotes list. Enter ‘q’ to finish configuring rclone.

Civo and AWS two remotes configured

Migrating data from AWS S3

With the rclone configuration complete, you can sync the content in your S3 bucket with your Civo object store. The synchronization can be accomplished using the rclone sync command. You will use the --progress flag so that it will show the progress of the synchronization process.

The syntax for the sync command is:

rclone sync --progress source:path dest:path [flags]

For example, if your S3 bucket name is my-site-abc7890 and your Civo object store name is my-site-def1234, then you run:

rclone sync --progress aws-s3:my-site-abc7890 civo:my-site-def1234

Below is the sample of the output after rclone finishes executing:

A sample of the output after rclone finishes executing

Cleaning up

Using a Civo object store will incur costs in your account. If you don’t want to be billed for that, you must delete your object store. You can do this by running this command:

civo objectstore delete <object-store-name>


We've discussed rclone in this tutorial and how to move data from AWS S3 to Civo Object Store. Once you configure the cloud storage provider as your remote, you can do the same steps to migrate or copy your data.

You can check out the main documentation if you want to read more about rclone. Or, if you want to learn more about Civo Object Store, you can check out our Docs or Tutorials.