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Object store credentials

To access object store contents through the S3 API, you will need to create a credential that can be associated with the store. All Civo object stores are created as private and require an access key ID and secret credentials.

Creating an object store credential

Begin by selecting the Civo Region you are operating in. You can do so in the lower left of your Dashboard page:

Region selection menu

Then, navigate to the object store credentials page:

Object store credentials page

Next, click the "Create a new Credential" button to be given the option to give a name for your credential.

Credential creation dialog with "demo-credential" given as a name

Once you click "Create", the system will prepare your new credential to be assigned to an object store of your choice.

You can now proceed to create an object store.

Retrieving object store credential details

On the object stores page, you will find the Credentials management button link at the top:

Credentials management button highligted

On the credentials management page, you can drop down on the credential of your choosing to list its details:

Credential details dropdown

This detail page shows two pieces of information for the credential:

  • The Access Key ID,
  • The hidden secret key

Both will be required to access files in object stores marked private.

Deleting object store credentials

Object store credentials can be deleted through accessing the Credentials page of the object stores listing:

Object stores credentials link

You can then select the credential to delete and drop down on the Actions menu to select Delete credential:

Credentials deletion dropdown


Note that you cannot delete credentials that are assigned to active object stores - the store itself must be deleted before the credential can be removed.