Disk Images

Disk Images contains the contents and structure of a disk volume or of an entire data storage device on the Civo cloud platform.

Every region will have similar set of disk images. But the disk image IDs are different.

List disk images

A list of disk images accessible from an account is available by sending a GET request to https://api.civo.com/v2/disk_images.


This request accepts an optional region parameter (query string) containing the name of the region where the disk image is located. A random one will be picked by the system if not specified.


The response is a JSON array of objects that describes summary details for each disk image.

        "id": "d927ad2f-5073-4ed6-b2eb-b8e61aef29a8",
        "name": "ubuntu-focal",
        "version": "20.04",
        "state": "available",
        "distribution": "ubuntu",
        "description": null,
        "label": null

Example of listing instances

curl -H "Authorization: bearer 12345" https://api.civo.com/v2/disk_images
// At a shell prompt run:
// npm init -y
// npm i --save request

var request = require('request');

  function (error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
).auth(null, null, true, '12345');
require 'net/http'

http = Net::HTTP.new('api.civo.com', 443)
http.use_ssl = true

headers = {
  'Authorization' => 'bearer 12345',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

resp, data = http.get('/v2/disk_images', headers)

Retrieving a disk image

A single disk image's details are available by sending a GET request to https://api.civo.com/v2/disk_images/:id.


This request requires the ID parameter in the URL (query string) as well as a region parameter containing the name of the region where the disk image is located.


The response is a JSON object that describes the details for the disk image.

    "id": "d927ad2f-5073-4ed6-b2eb-b8e61aef29a8",
    "name": "ubuntu-focal",
    "version": "20.04",
    "state": "available",
    "distribution": "ubuntu",
    "description": null,
    "label": null

Example of retrieving a disk image

curl -H "Authorization: bearer 12345" https://api.civo.com/v2/disk_images/12345?region=LON1
// At a shell prompt run:
// npm init -y
// npm i --save request

var request = require('request');

  function (error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
).auth(null, null, true, '12345');
require 'net/http'

http = Net::HTTP.new('api.civo.com', 443)
http.use_ssl = true

headers = {
  'Authorization' => 'bearer 12345',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

resp, data = http.get('/v2/disk_images/12345', headers)