Grow your business faster with Civo
Grow your business faster with reduced complexity, improved efficiency and lower costs
Why Civo is the perfect cloud provider for SME and mid-market companies

We accelerate your release cycles, by helping improve developer efficiency
Industry-leading cloud launch times help you develop faster and more effectively. You can even choose from over 80 popular one-click applications to help speed development.

Our simple and predictable billing model ensures your costs are under control
We’ve streamlined the cloud billing process so your charges are predictable. Easily scale as your business grows and only pay for what you need, with no hidden surprises.

We provide powerful tooling without the complexity, enabling companies to grow faster
Get access to the tools you need, but without having the difficulty in using them. Select from our clean and simple API, CLI or web UI, or use popular automation tools, such as Terraform, Pulumi and Crossplane.
Our cloud solutions are ideal for SMEs and mid-market companies
Kubernetes built with speed and simplicity in mind. With a free control plane and rapid launch times under 90 seconds, to help you scale your business with ease.
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Virtual machines, delivered in a cloud native way with Kubernetes. Including DDoS protection, multi-region support, bandwidth pooling and the developer tools you need.
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Databases managed by Civo - providing you with the power, but without the heavy lifting. Effortlessly deploy and scale databases straight from the Civo dashboard, Restful API or our CLI.
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Why Civo is the
“most cost-efficient choice”
Find out how Marino and the team make the most out of Civo Kubernetes with it's blazing fast speed for all their development and testing needs.
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