How Suborbital utilises K3s features with Civo

The team at Suborbital build web assembly based server environments that enable developers to build applications using various languages, powered by a webassembly runtime.

CEO and co-founder Conor Hicks explains how the team utilizes their Civo Kubernetes clusters: “We use our clusters for a lot of stress testing and end-to-end compliance for our product.”

Suborbital found that a lot of their clients were asking about K3s compatibility - so Civo was a perfect fit for a testing platform. “Many of our customers are now using K3s so we created a script that allows us to start up a Civo cluster, install our app and run a load test against it using the K6 tooling. Because Civo clusters set up in 40 seconds or less, our tests are faster than ever, so we can now test more often. This is a big help for us"

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