As Kubernetes continues its journey of innovation and improvement, the release of Kubernetes v1.29, also known as the Mandala release, marks another significant milestone. Through this update, there are a total of 49 enhancements, and of these enhancements, 11 have graduated to Stable, 19 have entered Beta, and 19 have graduated to Alpha. In this blog, we'll dive into the key updates of Kubernetes v1.29, highlighting how these changes will shape the future of container orchestration.

What are the enhancements in the new version?

This version brings a blend of new features, crucial deprecations, and progressive changes, all aimed at enhancing the Kubernetes ecosystem.

VolumeAttributesClass: Revolutionizing Volume Modification

One of the standout features in v1.29 is the introduction of the VolumeAttributesClass for volume modification. This alpha feature is a game-changer, allowing for the modification of a volume by altering the volumeAttributesClassName in a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC). This advancement simplifies the process of changing volume attributes, moving away from the need to manage them through different provider APIs. It's a step towards more seamless and integrated volume management within Kubernetes.

CSI Node Expansion Secrets

Another major enhancement in v1.29 is the stabilization of CSI Node Expansion Secrets. This feature, which started in 1.25, is now stable and allows CSI drivers to require secrets for expansion. This is particularly useful for validating the size of block storage before expansion or managing encrypted block storage like LUKS, which requires a passphrase.

Kubernetes v1.29 also comes with its share of deprecations and removals, signaling a shift towards more streamlined and efficient operations:

  • Removal of In-Tree Cloud Provider Integrations: A significant change in Kubernetes v1.29 is the removal of in-tree integrations with cloud providers, such as GCE or vSphere. The feature gates DisableCloudProviders and DisableKubeletCloudCredentialProviders are now set to true by default. This change marks a strategic move towards out-of-tree cloud provider integrations, encouraging a shift to more modular and flexible cloud provider solutions.
  • Deprecation of Kubernetes Community-Owned Package Repositories: Another notable deprecation is that of the Kubernetes community-owned package repositories. These legacy repositories were frozen in September 2023 and are slated for complete removal by January 2024. This move encourages users to shift to newer, more maintained repositories.

Additional Enhancements

Kubernetes v1.29 isn't just about deprecations and new features; it also brings several enhancements to existing functionalities:

  • New RestartPolicy for Init Containers: With the enablement of the SidecarContainers feature gate, init containers now have an additional restartPolicy field. This enhancement provides more control and flexibility in managing the lifecycle of init containers.
  • Graduation of Artifact Signing: Moving from alpha to beta, the artifact signing feature in Kubernetes v1.29 strengthens software supply chain security. This graduation marks a significant step in ensuring the integrity and security of software artifacts in Kubernetes environments.
  • Gateway API Reaching v1.0: The Gateway API, poised to be the successor to the Ingress API, has reached v1.0. This evolution significantly augments the Service API, offering more robust and flexible routing capabilities.

Things to note:

  • Always test new features in a non-production environment first.
  • Review the updated documentation for detailed changes, especially around deprecated APIs.
  • Keep an eye on community feedback and known issues with this release for smooth integration.


Kubernetes v1.29 is a testament to the ongoing evolution of this powerful container orchestration platform. From enhancing volume management with VolumeAttributesClass to strengthening security with artifact signing, this release paves the way for more efficient, secure, and user-friendly Kubernetes environments. As we bid farewell to some of the older features and welcome new advancements, Kubernetes continues to solidify its position as an essential tool in the modern cloud-native landscape.

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Field CTO Saiyam Pathak, has put together this video, which outlines some of the core updates from this release:

Further Resources

If you want to learn more about this update, check out some of these resources: