As cloud computing continues to evolve, it brings many new challenges. Our latest white paper, "The Cost of Cloud 2024”, explores these emerging issues through the insights of over 500 industry professionals. Throughout this blog, we will delve into the complexities of modern cloud computing, uncover strategies to manage rising costs, and highlight the importance of transparency and value in shaping the future of cloud services.

What are the complexities of modern cloud computing?

The research conducted as part of our recent white paper found five core challenges associated with the future of cloud computing: rising cloud costs, complex billing models, vendor lock-in, lack of transparency, and the need for strategic cost management.

40% of organizations have yet to take any actions to manage or reduce their cloud service costs

1. Rising Cloud Costs

One of the most significant challenges highlighted in our research is the rising cost of cloud services. 59% of organizations reported an increase in cloud service costs over the past year. This rise in costs makes expense management increasingly difficult for businesses of all sizes. As cloud adoption grows, so does the financial burden, emphasizing the need for better cost control and optimization strategies.

2. Complex Billing Models

Complex billing models are another major challenge faced by organizations. Hidden fees and intricate pricing structures have led to unexpectedly large bills for 26% of organizations. These billing complexities make it hard for companies to predict and manage their cloud expenses accurately, causing financial strain and budgeting issues.

Civo cost comparison 2022 vs 2024

3. Vendor Lock-In

Vendor lock-in remains a significant concern for many organizations, with 47% expressing worries about their dependence on the "Big 3" cloud providers: Azure, AWS, and GCP.

This dependency limits flexibility and increases the risk of being stuck with unfavorable terms and pricing. As a result, businesses are looking for ways to diversify their cloud strategies and avoid being locked into a single provider.

Impact of Vendor Lock-In:

  • Reduced Negotiation Power: Organizations have less leverage to negotiate better terms.
  • Limited Flexibility: Difficulty in switching providers or integrating with other services.
  • Increased Costs: Potential for higher costs due to lack of competition.

4. Lack of Transparency

Transparency in pricing and service offerings is crucial for effective cloud cost management. However, 37% of organizations believe that cloud services have failed to live up to their promise of cost-effectiveness due to a lack of transparent pricing. This opacity makes it difficult for businesses to make informed decisions about their cloud investments, leading to inefficiencies and higher costs.

37% of organizations are considering a move to alternative infrastructures

5. Need for Strategic Cost Management

Despite the rising costs and complexities, 40% of organizations lack strategies for managing or reducing their cloud expenses.

This gap underscores the necessity for improved cost management practices, such as adopting FinOps principles, utilizing cost management tools, and exploring alternative cloud providers. Effective strategies can help organizations optimize their cloud spending and achieve better financial outcomes.

Strategies for Cost Management:

  • Adopt FinOps Principles: Combine financial management and cloud operations to promote cost-efficiency.
  • Utilize Cost Management Tools: Tools such as OpenCost and StormForge provide detailed cost analysis and optimization recommendations.
  • Explore Alternative Providers: Consider alternatives to traditional hyperscalers to gain more control over costs.

What is Civo doing to help?

At Civo, we actively address these challenges by prioritizing transparency, simplicity, and cost efficiency. Our approach focuses on providing clear and competitive pricing models without hidden fees, ensuring that organizations can more effectively manage their cloud costs.

You can learn more about this research in our Cost of Cloud 2024 white paper here.