On Tuesday 10th May 2022, at Investigo in Central London, we hosted our first in-person meetup where we discussed and had multiple talks on "All Things Kubernetes."
Around 60 community members joined us, where they networked with others in the space and engaged in cloud-native conversations.
Thanks to Investigo, fantastic food and drink were on offer. Of course, we made sure also to bring plenty of swag!
Kubernetes 1.24 updates
In this talk, Saiyam Pathak from Civo updated us on what's new in the Kubernetes 1.24 release. Some of the significant announcements include Dockershim being removed from kubelet, beta support for publishing APIs in the OpenAPI v3 format, CNI updates, etc.
Scaling cloud-native communities + DevRel strategies
This talk by Kunal Kushwaha from Civo talk focused on what defines a community and figuring out the community's shared struggles. It's also important to know the mission of your community and what members look to get out of it. Communication is key, and we also discussed how to future-proof your community. Finally, following up with designing for your community's needs, and last but not least, having a code of conduct.
The hidden features of cert-manager
In this talk, Josh Van Leeuwen from Jetstack shared about the hidden features of cert-manager. cert-manager adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters and simplifies obtaining, renewing, and using those certificates. In addition, it can issue certificates from various supported sources and ensure that they remain valid and updated before they're needed to be renewed.
Kubernetes certificates AMA
Walid Shaari and Saiyam Pathak conducted a live AMA session on Kubernetes certifications. Having extensive experience with a handful number of certifications themselves, the attendees got insights related to how one can get started with certifications and some of the pros and things to keep in mind.
To top it all off, towards the ending of the talks, we had Michael Cade, the creator of #90DaysOfDevOps come up and explain the motive behind the creation of such a feat. Furthermore, he discussed the contents within the 90-day repository and how it can benefit your learnings of DevOps.
We couldn't have asked for anything better from this debut evening meetup with great fun and knowledge sharing.
To ensure you don't miss the next one, become a member of our group on Meetups and keep an eye out for our socials as we share when we are holding our next one!